Sunday, June 15, 2008

How To Treat The Common Ailments Of Your Python

Many toying with the idea of owning a pet would like to know what it takes. In other words, most people feel more secure about getting a particular pet if they know at least 80% of what might go wrong and how to prevent it. I think those who want to own a pet python are no exception.

As an owner of a pet, you know top priority goes to the health of your pet. Anyway, most of the pet owners of python don't realize that common python ailments can often be detected and handled at home.

* Vomiting

One of the most common python ailments is vomiting. Do not you handle your pet python just after it has eaten; it may regurgitate. If your pet is under stress due to a feeling of insecurity or if it is infested with internal and or external parasites in its body,
it will tend to bring up its food.

To help avoid vomiting, it's a good idea to hope your pet python REST after a meal. How can you induce it to sleep? Raise the cage temperature to the recommended level for your breed. If you've also set up an ideal basking spot (hot spot), it will lie down there while its food gets digested, and will be much less likely to regurgitate.

* Constipation

If your pet does not defecate as often as it should ... or with great difficulty or if the feces are dry, in all probability your python is constipated.

Low humidity and low temperatures are the most common causes of constipation. You can avoid this by keeping sufficient clean water in the cage. In addition, keep a bowl of WARM water and encourage your python to soak in it.

* Scale Rot

If you notice any chipped or discolored - pink, red or brown - scales in the abdominal region of your python, it is probably suffering from scale rot. This disease could affect just a few scales or a single area or multiple areas.

Sometimes the cause for scale rot can be an internal infection that works its way to the outside and manifests itself as scale rot.

However the most common cause is improper cage hygiene.

If the cage is not regularly cleaned and disinfected, the python may have to bask in its urine and feces for prolonged times and develop scale rot.

A topical application of over the counter triple-antibiotic should clear up this problem. But you will have to transfer the animal to another cage while you THOROUGHLY clean and disinfect its current cage.

While the animal is being treated, do NOT allow it to soak in water. Give it water in a bowl that is just large enough for it to drink from.

There now ... that wasn't so scary, was it?

The above is an excerpt from the free newsletter on "Python Secrets" published by Geostar Publishing & Services LLC.

To subscribe to the newsletter, click on the link below:

Here's to a happier pet-owing experience!

Jessica Harrison

Geostar Publishing & Services LLC

6423, Woodbine Court,

St. Louis, Missouri,

63109, USA

Jessica Harrison is the author of the best selling eBook "Python Secrets" published by Geostar Publishing & Services LLC.

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